Discover the Taste of Colostrum Imported from America

Colostrum in Dulyn Sure combines the golden nutritional ratio with the clinically proven Polycan compound and beneficial nutrients to help strengthen joint cartilage, reduce the rate of bone destruction, and stimulate maximum activity of cells. myogenic cells

Dulyn Sure Colostrum with completely new and breakthrough technology from colostrum imported from the United States combined with GreenNAG hydrolytic enzyme technology is a nutritional therapy highly appreciated by leading experts today in supporting Treatment and prevention of diseases related to bones and joints.

America’s leading modern, groundbreaking new technology brings outstanding efficiency

Dulyn Sure with completely new breakthrough technology from colostrum imported from the United States is a nutritional therapy highly appreciated by leading experts today in supporting the treatment and prevention of diseases related to Osteoarthritis.

Especially in milk there is the ingredient GreenNAG (N-Acetyl Glucosamine) using advanced hydrolytic enzyme technology. GreenNAG is many times more effective than regular Glucosamine in supporting cartilage regeneration, producing joint fluid and regenerating new skeletal muscles. This is considered a new breakthrough in the world dairy technology industry.

In addition, Dulyn Sure also contains essential ingredients that provide complete nutrition for bones and joints.

n Dulyn Sure combines the golden nutritional ratio with the clinically proven Polycan compound and beneficial nutrients to help strengthen joint cartilage, reduce the rate of bone destruction, and stimulate maximum activity of cells. Muscle cells, bone cells, help regenerate skeletal muscles, increase resistance. Enhances the effectiveness of preventing degeneration and repelling complications caused by arthritis.

Calcium Nano combined with collagen type 2: Calcium prepared in nano form (from natural red algae and one of the richest sources of calcium in nature) helps increase calcium absorption into the body, reducing the risk of deficiency. Calcium, osteoporosis, prevents bone degeneration, heals existing injuries in bones and joints (anti-inflammatory, reduces swelling) and strengthens bone structure.

Dulyn Sure contains many vitamins and minerals along with abundant Omega 3-6-9 and calcium, Lysine MUFA, PUFA… good for the heart, brain and movement. Milk contains many multi-strain beneficial bacteria that help improve digestive function, limit fat absorption, do not cause bloating and heat during use, helping to relax the mind, eat well and sleep well.

Milk uses isomalt sugar, a natural sugar made from sugar beets, completely suitable for people on diets, diabetics or overweight people. The milk has a light sweet taste, is fragrant, easy to drink, and is safe and benign. for all ages, including the elderly, the elderly, those with underlying medical conditions, and post-surgical patients.

Dulyn Sure Bone and Joint Colostrum – New technological breakthrough – golden nutrition for strong bones and joints